Thursday 31 March 2011

Thursday Update

Following a good days skiing yesterday, we decided to take the cadet to the local pool for a swim. Unfortunately whilst swimming one of our cadets dislocated her shoulder. This was clearly a painful experience and resulted in the two of us visiting the local hospital.

To cut a long story short we as in England we had to return to the hospital this morning. Following consultation the outcome is that the arm has to be rested and checked by Doctors in England upon our return.

To add insult to injury we have both missed out on Skiing today.

Hopefully I may get chance for a short day on  the mountain tomorrow.

I Will let you know.


Images of Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Duty Calls

Tue Forward

Following a good day on the Mountain Yesterday, we are hoping for more of the same today, hopefully with a little more sunshine please.

Last night it was announced that I am to be the Duty Officer (Deep Joy) college learners will be pleased to note that this is the part that we call security and service routines.

My duties involve guardroom duties – checking people in and out – the fun part will be enforcing the very popular  midnight curfew.  However all this is good evidence for my  CPD  - Continuing Personnel Development (Alison, Tim, and Debs please take note).

See you all soon


Monday 28 March 2011

Where has the Sun Gone !

Things are looking a bit bleak now, lets hope things get better tomorrow.
Following evening meal we will be attending lectures on how to survive a night in the mountains ? further avalanche information and tech spec on living in a snow hole, which the cadets will experience before the end of the week.

The Team

Uniformed as ever ? Same clothes, sticks and ski's - at least they are easy to spot - I spend my day counting them in and out -  its a bit like being at home with our chickens - only these eat more and don't lay eggs !!!!!!!

The Plough

A cadet demonstrating the basics, its hard life but we are trying to enjoy it !!!

There is still plenty of Snow the area is called the Navelhorn

Avalanche Testing

We witnessed a small avalanche today, this happened just as we had completed our training,  the subject was -

 "how to spot an Avalanche and understand what causes them"

Sunday 27 March 2011

Further Evidence of Manning Up

Further evidence of "manning up and doing all the work", my team mate is about to return with our injured cadet's skis and poles.

Pagliano Manning Up

Take note all you rufty Para and Marine Types, I'm about to ski off the mountain carrying not 1 but 2 rucksacks !!!!!

German Mountain Rescue Team Recovers Our Injured Team Member

Unfortunately one of our cadets fell on the Mountain today and had to be recovered by the Mountain Rescue Team. His injuries are minor sprains and bruising, we will rest him tomorrow and see how he is on Tuesday.

All in a days work and Play ?

First Taste of Snow

This is officially day 3 of the expedition, and day 2 in Bavaria. 

We will be introducing our learners to the art of skiing, they are a mixed bunch of old and new skiers. The trick to a good day for all will be to vary the skills and pace to suit the individual.
We are well equipped and full of enthusiasm, the snow is a little thin on the ground in places ? we are assured by our Air Force guides that there is enough left for a fun action packed week.
Bring it on !!!!!!!! 
There is internet here until Monday - So I’m blogging from my Iphone - There is a man I know in England who sorts out all this techno stuff ? He has set up me an easy task?
All I have to do is take pictures and write a few words on my phone and then I email them (via my phone) to the blog and as if by magic they appear?
Not a bad deal as he also dropped me off in London and will be picking me up again upon my return.

Saturday 26 March 2011

20 hours later - we arrive in Obesdorf 1200 local time

Lunch is first on the Agenda followed by room allocation, briefings and kit issue.

All the usual fun when living in old style military accommodation. Lush rooms, metal cupboard and a lovely rock hard bed with nice olive green plastic covered mattress ?

Not that any of the above matters because its the Mountains, Snow and Skiing that we are here for.

Day 2 : Arrived at our Winter Training Location

Its been a long night of travel through mainland Europe, France, Luxembourg, Germany and tomorrow Austria.

There has been some amazing scenery unfortunately I've been nodding through most of it.

I will try and send some pics later

Sarah x

Auf Wiedersehen

Friday 25 March 2011


Today is the 25th of March 2011, I left home in the early hours taking with me enough kit to last 10 days. The reason being I am escorting 20 + cadets on a RAF winter skills course which is held in Austria.

We are meeting at RAF Northolt (London) and will be travelling by coach to Obesdorf Bavaria close to the Austrian border, the journey is expected to take 19 hours.

I will hopefully be posting news and pictures of our experiences on a daily basis, hope you will find them interesting.

That's all for now

Best Wishes
